fbpx Pipeline - Plus Therapeutics (PSTV)

A promising suite of precision radiotherapeutics.

Leveraging novel drug formulations, we have developed a radiotherapeutic platform with the potential to lengthen and improve the lives of adults and children with challenging cancers. Taking a unique approach in combining radiation particles with nanoliposomes and alginate microspheres, we expect to target cancer more safely, precisely and effectively than other approaches in radiation therapy and oncology.

Our Programs

Built on our proprietary radiotherapeutic platform.

Our radiotherapeutics are designed to deliver radioisotopes, such as Rhenium, into or near a cancer tumor via a single, direct infusion. Rhenium emits beta rays with a short average path length, localizing the attack to just the tumor, as well as gamma rays that support live imaging and better dosing control through the full treatment.

We tailor the properties of each radiotherapeutic for each patient to selectively deliver a dose that is highly toxic to cancer cells, yet spares normal healthy tissue.

Adding chelated

Adding chelated radiation to nanotechnology.

Adding chelated

REYOBIQ™ (rhenium Re186 obisbemeda): a Rhenium-186 radiolabeled therapeutic targeting recurrent glioblastoma, leptomeningeal metastases, and pediatric brain cancers.

Our unique BMEDA loading technology coupled with Rhenium-186 allows us to entrap the radiation particle within a nanoliposome carrier, facilitating accumulation and retention in the tumor tissue. Our approach supports higher, more effective radiation doses without significant toxicity.

Adding alginate

Adding alginate microspheres to radioembolization.

Adding alginate

Rhenium-188 NanoLiposome Biodegradable Alginate Microsphere (188RNL-BAM): a radioembolization therapy targeting primary liver cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, and secondary liver cancer, metastatic colorectal cancer.

Our novel approach involves loading Rhenium-188 radiolabeled nanoliposomes into a nontoxic, biocompatible, biodegradable, and inexpensive alginate microsphere. Alginate can be harmlessly absorbed and rapidly cleared by the body.